Saturday, January 24, 2009

Margarito-Mosley: My pick.

Boxing is off to a BIG start in this year! Tonight's fight is SOLD OUT and there's a lot of buzz surrounding this fight. Rightfully so because there's going to be a lot of action. Great to see all the support for this fight. Now let's get into it.

Look for Mosley to try to pick his shots with Antonio early while mixing in some body work of his own. He'll box and try to turn Antonio as best as he can. He'll give Margarito fits while he can keep it up. Can he keep it up though? IF he can it'll he can pull the upset. He's up for this fight that's for sure but I don't know if he has enough in the tank to keep Margarito off of him for twelve rounds.

Look for Antonio to walk Shane down just beating away at anything he can but mostly targeting his body. Antonio is going to look a lot bigger in the ring and with his big and strong ring presence I think he'll beat on Shane's body and arms and wear him down late with relentless pressure and will. Antonio sucks the fight out of a lot of fighters. Antonio will make the ring a lot smaller with his cutting it off. This will allow him to pin point Shane and beat on him.

I think it's going to be a big night for Antonio and I think Shane is going to put on a great performance but I just don't think he's strong enough to keep Antonio off of him the whole night and that's the fight right there.

Margartio UD. Don't be shocked if he stops Shane late though.

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