Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Want to Build Some Trap Mass? Give Jump Shrugs A Try.

I often get questions on what exercises I like to use to add mass to the traps.

Deadlifts, Pull ups, Chins, Rows etc are great compound exercises that will add some beef to your upper back/neck.

Jump squats though are great to use to shock new growth in your traps...

To perform this exercise...Grab some heavy db's and drop down like you are going to box jump and then explosively jump up..with using heavy weights you won't leave the ground you will end up on the balls on your feet...

Perform 3-4 reps and start off with 3-4 sets...Try 3min rest periods...

Be sure you are good and warm when performing jump shrugs....

I can tell you that cycling this exercise in your training will build your traps to new heights..

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